28.10.2012, 20:03 Uhr
Ruth and Vera
We (mother and daughter) were looking for an unique experience in the Thai jungle and found Piroons trekking tours on internet By mail we got in touch - he answered our questions very soon.
The trekking tour was great: Three days / two nights of adventure, leisure and action! In comparision with other tours you may walk a bit more - but it's worth it, because you will see, hear and feel real nature and real hilltribe life and you walk pathes no other tours ever do! The meals Piroon prepares are really delicious. Piroon is a likable person always in good humour and we felt safe at every time.
Whenever we come back to Chiang Mai we will do another trekkingtour with you, Piroon; thank you (and your wife Jit who had being very helpful as well) so much for the very positive experience!
Ruth and Vera from Switzerland
11.09.2012, 22:00 Uhr
Depaysement assure avec Piroon qui vous guidera dans la jungle, vous fera traverser les rizieres, descendre une riviere sur un radeau de bambous que vous construirez avec lui, balade a dos d elephant pour rejoindre votre dernier village ou vous serez au contact des populations et de leurs animaux de compagnie ( vaches, poules et cochons). Piroon est egalement un chef hors pair, il vous cuisinera d authentiques plats thailandais accompagnes du riz des montagnes, il animera vos soirees a l aide de sa guitare et vous chantera let it be, vous reprendrez le couplet avec lui, en suivant son cahier de chansons. Loin des sentiers touristiques, vous passerez 3 jours inoubliables. Et j avais oublie Piroon a beaucoup d esprit et d humour. Merci Piroon.
05.09.2012, 07:54 Uhr
Jukka Koivisto
August 2012,
Trekking with Piroon was wonderful experience, even I went middle of monsuun. Everything was well organized. One night, two full day trekking had everything! Trekking through mountains, up and down to hills, beautiful views and small remote villages. Home cooked food and sleeping in farm guesthouse under the mosquito-net gave nice touch to the farmers life. Second day, after morning trekking, elefant ride and bambu rafting were all good fun.
One can do this trekking without any special trekking gears and heavy backs and still enjoy of feeling to be in remote area middle of jungle and mountains.
I loved to see those wooden made houses and farms with pigs and chickens. We saw people fishing on river... normal daily life!
This was my first time, but not last. I want to do longer trekking next time. Piroon is great guide.
Jukka Koivisto
23.05.2012, 02:42 Uhr
Jim Sorensen
I had a dream to experience a real trek with my 3 children at 11, 16 and 17 years. We did it in april 2012. It was a real trek â walking in jungle, rafting, riding on elephants, sleeping in lokal village etc.
Piroon made us feel a part of a trek and not just âturistsâ. He used any possible situation to give us an experience for life. Elephant wash, manage the rafting etc. The food, the nature, the children in the village, the sounds. We will never forget it. We can recommend it â great experience and 100 % safe. Thanks for the experience. We will be back
JIm Ramus,Jasmin and Rosa
From Denmark.
03.05.2012, 19:09 Uhr
Behem mesÃce února a brezna letoÅ¡nÃho roku jsme trávili naÅ¡i 24-dennà dovolenou v Thajsku a Vietnamu.Behem naÅ¡Ã cesty jsme poznali hodne nových lidÃ, zažili spoustu zážitku. MusÃm napsat, že setkánà s Piroonem a jeho ženou Suwarin, bylo to nejkrásnejÅ¡Ã a po celou dobu naÅ¡eho treku jsem mela pocit, že tyto dva lidi se srdcem na dlani znám už dlouho. Celou dobu se o nás Piroon staral, varil nám bájecná jÃdla, ukázal nám opravdový život v domorodých vesnicÃch a my jsme meli pocit, že jsme se vrátili do detstvà a jsme u babicky a dedy na prázdninách na vesnici. Zažili jsme spoustu zážitku a když jsme se vrátili po trech dnech mimo civilizaci a signál mobilnÃho operátora s úplne vybitými baterkami do Chiang Mai na vlak do Bangkoku, byli jsme unaveni, Å¡pinavi ale nesmÃrne Å¡tastnà a neuveritelne duÅ¡evne bohatà a oproÅ¡teni od konzumnÃho života, který žijeme. Jestli, jenom troÅ¡ku potrebujete zklidnit svuj život a troÅ¡ku si znovu srovnat životnà hodnoty, trek s Piroonem je tou nejlepÅ¡Ã cestou.Hana a Jaroslav